Vestry Minutes 5/21/2019
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Minutes
The Rev. Esme Culver, Rector Rachel Hayashi, Senior Warden
Patrick Hoye, Junior Warden Jack MacDonald, Treasurer
Pat Ferguson John Gurney
Carroll Hutchinson Jennifer Langley
Byron McKinlay Rebecca Wirkkala, Clerk
Michael Liljenwall
The Vestry of St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church met on 5/21/19 in the Guild Room. Mother
Esme+ led in an opening prayer. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.
The April minutes were handed out; Byron moved to accept the minutes as presented;
Jenny seconded. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Jack presented a financial report. We are behind 70% in plate offerings, 30% in
unpledged, and 15% in pledges. This will be presented to the congregation.
Rector’s Report:
Mother Esme+ participated in an introduction from the National Church called Sacred
Ground. It is suggested that circles of about 14 white clergy and lay leaders be formed
to discuss issues of race. She also reported on Adaptive Leadership led by Sean Rowe
at Clergy Conference concerning relational capital. This should involve all leadership.
Mother Esme+ and Beth Voss attended a meeting at NAYA, the Native American Youth
Association; they have also met with PGE and the Green Business Program concerning
the environmental project that is being planned.
The Bell Committee met and determined that the bell needs to be at least 20 inches in
diameter. It will be a stationary bell. The next step is to decide on the vendor for the bell.
We are reviewing the situation with the Sexton relationship with Goodwill Industries and
will make adjustments as needed.
Marketing/Website: Mother Esme+ will be spending the first week of June working from
home on the Website.
Father Eli+ will be meeting with the Bishop this coming Thursday.
A meeting between the Holy Cross/Santa Cruz BAC and our Vestry will be scheduled in
Strategic Planning Report: Report is attached.
The Strategic Funds Committee met and prioritized the projects that came out of the
Vestry Retreat. More bids and funding sources are needed for many of the projects.
Patrick reported that the locksmith is ready to begin the rekeying project. Jenny moved
that the rekeying project be funded from the Iseli Fund or other funding to be
determined; it was seconded by Carroll. The motion carried. Byron will prepare a
diagram for the locksmith.
Mother Esme+ will call Rose City Organs for an estimate of needed organ repairs.
Jack moved that we proceed with organ repairs, and discuss with the congregation the
possibility of allocating some of the organ fund to be used for restroom renovation in
Likowski; Patrick seconded. The motion carried.
Jenny, Byron, John, Patrick, and Mother Esme+ will organize the Churchwide Cleanout.
Stephen Shibley has provided a new design for a smaller Labyrinth. The new design with
volunteer labor to move the pavers is $28,500; the cost without volunteer labor is $32.000. The
current Labyrinth fund is $20,000. This will be discussed with the congregation. The labyrinth
was put on hold because we are short about $12,000. It was moved from the A to the B list on
the Projects and Initiatives document.
Junior Warden Report:
Patrick provided a quote from George Morlan Plumbing Supply for the restroom
renovation; quote is attached.
Old Business:
Jenny would like to start the Thursday evening meal program on Thursday, June 13.
More volunteers are needed.
The Opportunities Kitchen project is moving forward.
Security: We are finding more needles on the property. We still need “no camping” signs
to be posted. Six signs are needed in order for Gresham Police to respond to
complaints. Byron and Patrick will order and mount the signs.
Rachel presented a revised building use form. Jenny has volunteered to be the Facility
Use Manager.
New Business:
Our current copier contract expires July 1. Rachel presented research on new options;
report is attached. Carroll moved that we choose the new Ricoh copier as presented;
Jenny seconded. There was one dissenting vote; the motion carried.
PGE was here last week for an energy audit walkthrough, and submitted a preliminary
report which is attached.
A discussion was held regarding perceived problems with the other congregations. A
meeting is planned to address issues.
Byron moved the meeting be adjourned; Jenny seconded. The meeting was adjourned
at 9:26 PM.
Mother Esme+ led in closing prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca Wirkkala, Clerk of the Vestry